Tuesday 25 August 2009

An Opening Post...

Well, having been pulled into blog writing I suppose it is only wise for me to make an opening post, although at the moment I don't have very much to say!

To be honest, this blog is simply a place for me to rant about the news, politics, and sport, and anything else that comes to me when I'm sat at my computer. I'm not too worried if no one agrees with me, quite often I don't agree with myself! Don't expect anything journalist class however, I'm only an amature!

The foremost thing on my mind at the moment (and secretly the minds of lots of other football fans), is when oh when is Mike Ashley going to sell my beloved Newcastle United. The correct answer of course is that he isn't! He's going to string us along until he decides that he'll keep the club for another year, by when we will be back (hopefully!) in the Premier League and will be able to make three or four times what he could now. If you don't know that, then you're probably either not a football fan, or you're a very silly one!

Well, I suppose I'll keep my opening post short and sweet! I'm sure next time I write I'll have something slightly more interesting to say!

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